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  • Mango Sport

    Hello Everyone, nowadays every brand launches their own sport clothes. H&M, Forever21, Gina Tricot etc. etc. Coincidentally I found this 2 babies from Mango. I never thought that Mango has its own sport clothes. Whatever, for me as a sport addicted human being, I love to try out new clothes. This is why I ordered the shorts + bra. First of all: I love the design. How cute is the forest motive? Another fact is that the texture and fabric is high quality. Basically  most of my clothes are black, grey and mostly dark but when it comes to sport clothing (and pajamas)  I prefer more colorful clothes.

    Via Asos I ordered both in size S and it perfectly fits. After some fitness and (which is my favorite) boxing lessons I can highly recommend Mango Sport clothes. They are very comfortable and look super cute. What are your favorite sport brands?

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