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  • shooting x kostadamus

    Hi Lovers,
    Welcome back to a new post dealing with a shooting which I had a few weeks ago. 

    Have fun with the pictures and videos

    Photos by Kostadamus

    „I didn’t want to fall in love or need someone. I really didn’t want anything.But then, you appeared and I started wanting everything“


    2 Kommentare

    1. Anonym
      11. Mai 2016 / 20:48


      Hope this message finds you well! I don’t know why my emails and messages are not reaching you because I have sent a few in the last couple of weeks and I still don’t have a replay from you.
      Maybe my emails are going to your junk folder or something like that so please when you see this message do a little digging in your email to see if you can find my messages because I would love a replay from you.
      Blair from Irresistible Me

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