Ähnliche Beiträge
My lovely new boots
Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich hoffe, das Wochenende habt Ihr auch so…
Weekly update
Nachdem ich gerade mein Buch „Drei Freunde, ein Taxi, kein Plan…
Off to a road trip from Las Vegas to Seattle
Ihr Lieben, auch wenn ich gerade in den letzten stressigen Packzügen…
me for SET OUI
I had a Collab with SET OUI Thank you so much…
throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack
Trash, Grunge & Edgy combined in one look. For me, wolves…
Hello 2018
Ihr Lieben, ich hoffe, Ihr hattet alle einen wunderbaren Silvesterabend. Ich für…
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Hope this message finds you well! I don’t know why my emails and messages are not reaching you because I have sent a few in the last couple of weeks and I still don’t have a replay from you.
Maybe my emails are going to your junk folder or something like that so please when you see this message do a little digging in your email to see if you can find my messages because I would love a replay from you.
Blair from Irresistible Me
Hey, you can share your look here http://www.thefashionstyles.com/