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  • Burgundy Grunge

    Good evening everybody, today I will show you a couple of things which I got from Zaful. First of all: my favourite item is the backpack which I showed in one of my last posts. I am so obsessed with all the details and there is a lot of space inside which I really need. There is also a bag in a bag to keep your stuff organized. The colour of the dress is amazing, in general I love burgundy and rusty colours, but I need a belt for your waist otherwise it looks very wide. I thought this jacket will rock the look because of its ribbon accessories. The belt I am wearing is from Gina Tricot and I haven’t worn it for, like, ages. Last but not least I am wearing my favourite studded biker boots from Asos.
    You need to check the online store www.zaful.com they have a lot of great clothes, shoes, bags and accessories and fair prices.
    Dress & sunnies & necklace & backpack Zaful | jacket Primark | biker boots Asos
    belt Gina Tricot
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